Your space of transformation, clarity and empowerment. 

Welcome to shift & align. 

Let's go on a journey beyond the surface. Where every facet of your being is embraced. Welcome to a safe space of energetic activations, inviting profound self-discovery. Uncover a subtle yet potent power that gently guides you back to your authentic self, forging connections and alignment in ways you've always yearned for.

All of you is welcome here. Always.

Hello world

Group sessions

Kundalini Transmission.

Welcome to a safe space created for your inner worlds. A space to experience yourself like never before and a possibility to clear out whatever you have taken on that doesn’t belong to you or serve you. 

Group sessions are held both online and various places in mostly south of Sweden. Join the community on Instagram or the newsletter to know more. 

Private sessions available on request. 

Group sessions

Quantum Leap with Kundalini Shakti

Next level of energetic work - combining the most powerful tools, activations, downloads and channeling.

This is a 6 week container with intense online activations, shifts, upgrades and coaching in a small group setting.

Shifting your reality - from the present to the desired. 

Email to join the waitlist.

Welcome to shift & align!

Private Quantum Leap available upon request. 

Hello world
Hello world

Private sessions

Holistic coaching session.

During a 1,5 hour long soul led coaching session, we will work together to identify your deepest desires and values, and explore ways to align your actions and decisions with your true purpose. We will also examine what may be holding you back and develop strategies for releasing them.

Discover practical and grounded guidance from an elevated perspective as you dive deeper into your journey of spiritual growth and holistic well-being.

Private sessions

Kundalini Bodywork

In Kundalini Bodywork we have a multidimensional approach, shifting on a body / mind / soul level. This is holistic approach to life where you will be guided and supported to activate your inner healing abilities and your life force energy.

This is a holistic approach to life.

Let´s shift and align.

Hello world
Hello world

About Ibi

Welcome to my energetic world.

Ibi lives in south of Sweden and has a background within the design & creative field. Her other home is Bali where she spends a few months yearly.  

When the external world just wasn’t enough, her curiosity and desire to tap into her intuition led her to explore the unseen and her inner worlds.

Her passion is to assist light workers going through major shifts in their lives. Those who want to rediscover their true selves on a soul level.

If you desire a more soul led life and are committed to your path, Ibi is here to guide and support you to bridge the gap between heaven and earth.

"We are not lost. We have simply forgotten who we are".

Let’s shift and align with your highest self.


Sign up for the newsletter /

book a free discovery call.

Reach out

There are many ways Ibi can support individuals and groups with customized offers for a deeper and multidimensional experience of life.

Book a free discovery call to align your desires. 

Whatever questions or requests you might have, please fill in the form and Ibi will get back to you asap. 
