Soul & Beyond

Discover your true essence


We are here such a short time, let us support you on your journey of self-discovery.

Quantum Leap with Kundalini Shakti

Next level of energetic work - combining the most powerful tools, activations, downloads and channeling. 

This is a 6 week container with intense online activations, shifts, upgrades and coaching in a small group setting.

With Quantum Leaping you shift your reality - from one timeline to another.

What is included:

- Private start up call with Ibi: including coaching / intention session / timeline activation / upgrades etc.

- Online community & support group
- Weekly energetic group activations X5: including Kundalini Transmission session / guidance / timeline clearing / envisioning / meditation / integration etc.
- Prompts: to do in-between the weekly meetups.

New groups starts in divine timing. Please join the waitlist to know more. 

Welcome to shift & align!


Full payment of 8.888 sek. 

Two payments of 4.888 sek. / each. 


“This has given me and my inner journey more than I could dream of.

I love Ibis energy and the way she holds a safe and solid space for us to be able to open ourselves up to the fullest.”

“A real boost for my further growing. With the tools, shifts & activations I have become the master of my own success.”

“I highly recommend this workshop where Ibi takes you on a journey with high frequent techniques for the new world approaching.”

“I appreciated learning this much about the limitless perspectives of life´s possibilities. These weeks shifted a lot inside of me.”

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